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loss draft

OSC offers flexible, turnkey loss draft solutions to accommodate servicer preferences and regulatory requirements while delivering a less stressful borrower experience to further lender relationships. Our deep experience with virtual inspections often saves time to resolution while being a convenience factor for property owners.

Clients benefit by outsourcing the handling of loss draft processing to OSC as it is both time and labor intensive, particularly with higher dollar or complex claims. Specializing in this niche space also requires knowledge of changing insurance regulations, investor guidelines, check handling, reasonable repair estimates, damage inspections, and constant communication with homeowners and contractors. You can leverage our Loss Draft expertise as a stand-alone solution or as part of an integrated tracking and insurance program with OSC.

Seamlessly support your customers’ loss draft needs by way of:

  • Fully employed, professional staff
  • Virtual inspections by trusted third-party providers
  • Full Call Center support resources
  • Secure information and consistent reporting
  • Filing and facilitation best practices
  • Positive homeowner experience
  • Enhanced reputational benefits
how can we help you?

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