A Package Deal – OSC’s Total Loan Coverage (TLC)

Two for one is always a win, especially when it comes to protecting your mortgage portfolio. For lenders and servicers who have both first and second mortgage liens in their servicing portfolio – especially for multiple properties – the overwhelming struggle of balancing the ever-changing mortgage industry is a reality. OSC’s Total Loan Coverage (TLC) is a simplifying solution during complex times.

TLC is designed to give shareholders and investors protection against unforeseen losses through lender-placed insurance solutions. This competitive combo program is a one-stop-shop for entire portfolio protection, taking the stress and financial burden out of managing individual locations. This coverage simplifies the need for time- and resource-intensive management of tracking specific insurance requirements on increasingly complex loans.


  • Single- and multi-family residential
  • Manufactured homes
  • Newly acquired property
  • Business Contents
  • Real Estate Owned (REO) property
  • Commercial property


  • Hazard coverage through blanket insurance policies
  • A single blanket policy eliminates monitoring individual properties
  • Policy protects when incurred losses are not covered by primary insurance


  • Combined Insurance Tracking/LPI and Second Blanket Mortgage protection for first and second mortgages, as well as HELOCS
  • Access to A.M. Best A rated (or better) carriers
  • Partner with OSC’s experts who deeply understand the dynamic mortgage industry
  • Reduced lender administrative expense
  • Timely and compliant insurance tracking through industry-leading technology system, IrisX

Let us help you ease the burden of managing your mortgage portfolio. Reach out to Don Curtis, SVP of Business Development, at dcurtis@oscis.com. He would be happy to discuss how our program can help your business become even more efficient.

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